
IB Assessment Information

Assessment Test

You apply to year 1 of high school through Gymnasieantagningen as all students do for all programmes at IEGS. The portals open in mid-January every year, and you can read all about the application process and eligibility on their website.

All students applying for the Year 10 IB Programme are required to do an entrance test and applicants will sit tests in English and Mathematics. Passing the Assessment test is a mandatory step in the application process BUT does not automatically guarantee a place on the IB Programme.

IEGS Assessment test date: Monday 4th March, 2024.

Location: Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm, Stockholm.

Please save the date and more information will be sent from Gymnasieantagningen after the 15th February 2024. You are also welcome to register by emailing

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) is an international Upper Secondary school located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic tradition and a commitment to helping students develop to their full potential.
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Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet
Allhelgonagatan 4
11858 Stockholm
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