Another great and busy academic year has gone by. It has been a challenging year in different ways, but it has been good to see that our students have made the most of their learning opportunities at IEGS and that they are able to learn and gather the skills needed to develop into the best versions of themselves.
On June 8th, we congratulated and bid farewell to our third year students, our IEGS class of 2023! It was a most memorable graduation ceremony, with awards recognising the amazing efforts of individuals over their years with us. It was tearful watching them run out of the school. We wish them all good luck and strength for the journey ahead. We then continued to celebrate with our end of year school show with our year 1s and 2 on Friday June 9th! What a way to end the school year with an absolutely amazing show of talent from our students and staff.
Use the summer to rest, eat good food, be outside, spend time with family and friends. I recommend reading a book or two over the break. You will be amazed by what reading can do to improve your vocabulary, your concentration and well being. Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body. I wish you a restful summer. Be safe. And with that school is officially out!
/Dr Heimeier