IEGS dances throughout the ages, decorates the hallways and tries to find Waldo
It is hard to believe that we have been together for 10 weeks. I am so impressed with our students who have shown resilience, determination and creativity to make this academic year start a successful one!
Student leadership and House Spirit have thrived since day one at our first Inter House Competition (IHC), the always lively Cross Country, at Ursvik. Our students and staff had a good run or walk, celebrating school spirit in a sea of House colours. To add to the fun we were joined by a huge bee (Curie), dog (Pavlov) and frog (Russell) as mascots for the houses!! All that was missing was a mascot for King - perhaps a lion will soon make an appearance? In 2024, Curie is the fastest House, and Russell the best dressed.
Our second IHC this term was innebandy with a great Pavlov win, and in our last week of school we hosted our annual IHC for Dance with the theme of ‘Dancing Through The Ages’. Each House demonstrated an imaginative and creative approach to this theme. A lot of hard work and team work has been put in by all the dancers, the event host, staff point of contacts, and special performances for this year's Dance Competition. It was a spectacular event, and one of my favourites of the year so far! Russell House were the overall winners with a tightly choreographed routine showing passion, dedication and talent. Check out the dances on youtube.
Student leadership teams have led clubs, student council meetings and hosted assemblies celebrating students' talents and success in and out of the classroom. They have also taken ownership of their House Hallways which have been decorated this past week for Halloween. The hallways ranged from a spooky dark cat infested alley on Curie, to the Pavlov haunted cinema house, the dark forest on Russell with bears and bats through caves and then the gruesome butcher shop set amongst mummies and tombstones on King. The school certainly felt haunted!
Not only are our students creative, but our amazing staff get engaged and share in school activities as well! Our Modern Languages Department set up a Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) event. Recognition of this colourful holiday has become an in-school tradition and we welcome the opportunity to explore how different cultures celebrate life and death. To add to the excitement of the last day of school before midterm break, the staff dressed up as the book character from “Where’s Waldo?” and students needed to guess which staff member was the character!
With so much fun and impact in 10 weeks at IEGS, one can only imagine the memories that 25 years of IEGS has made “... we continue to build on the innovative spirit that founded our school, and the steadfast goal to give our students a transformative education in a safe and calm environment, for them to become Global Citizens of the future”. And that is something to celebrate! With special cupcakes of course!
/Dr Heimeier