Welcome back!
A warm welcome to Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet (IEGS) for the 2020/2021 school year, to both our new and returning students. I hope that you have found your summer vacation to be both enjoyable and restful.
Education around the world has changed during these past months. Some of our students have been home from school for a longer period of time, studying from a distance. Some of our students were able to maintain a regular school routine in school, and some of our students for whatever reasons, were unable to attend school or maintain their studies. Our goal for the new year ahead is to make the transition back into the school environment as smooth as possible. IEGS has prepared for a return to school in line with the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s (FHM) current recommendations, and we are prepared to make adjustments when recommendations are changed or if our local situation changes.
First year students began on August 18th and their induction days were different to previous years. We focused on having a staggered schedule to make sure everyone felt comfortable adjusting to being back at school, in a new school environment, while providing space to distance ourselves as much as is possible. Second and third year students joined first years on August 20th, with normal class schedules beginning on August 21st. Adjustments have been considered for start and finish times in the schedules.

IEGS has more than 20 years of experience in education and we will continue to strive to develop our students to be inquisitive, open-minded, caring and global citizens of the future. Our goal is to always support our students, with the aim that you will benefit both academically and socially during your time with us.
For now, as before, to ensure the health and safety of all, please observe strict hand hygiene; maintain physical distance as much as possible; sneeze or cough into your elbow; and if you are unwell or experience (even mild) symptoms, stay at home and inform the school of your absence. I ask for your continued patience, trust, support and collaboration. We will continue to follow the general recommendations from FHM for COVID-19 infection control. We all have an important part to play in making sure that these measures work.
Looking forward to a new and exciting year together!
/Dr Heimeier