Student Life

Clubs & Activities

The beginning of each academic year is a commitment to yourself. It is also an opportunity to strive to reach a new level. You will get as much out of your time at IEGS as you put into it.


Having a sense of belonging and filling your day with more than just studies is important at IEGS. We have many clubs at the school and each year we see favourites continue and new ones pop up, since our clubs depend on the interest of our students. Some of the many clubs we have are French Club, Tea Club, Pottery Club, Yoga Club, Dance Club, Debate Club, LGBTQ Club and many many more! What club do you want to start when you join IEGS next year?

IEGS School Council

Inspiring future leaders

All classes vote for two class representatives at the beginning of each academic year. Students hold klassråd at scheduled points throughout the year and keep track of meeting minutes that are made accessible to the rest of their class.

School Council is then held once every pre-scheduled period with the House Coordinator and Vice Principal present at each meeting. A chair and secretary are voted in annually to undertake the role of running the meetings, taking minutes and formulating the agenda. All class representatives are invited to attend, as well as a representative from the Student Union.

In 2023, the IEGS School Council will host a Leadership Summit. Class representatives in Year 8 and 9 from all IES Schools across Sweden will attend workshops at IEGS to develop their organisational strategies, student leadership skills and be inspired by our future leaders.


Model United Nations (MUN) simulations are popular exercises for those interested in learning more about the UN. Hundreds of thousands of students worldwide participate every year in MUN at all educational levels – from primary school to university. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts participated in MUN as students.


The European Youth Parliament is a peer-to-peer educational programme that brings together young people from across Europe to debate the pressing issues of our time. Our mission is to inspire and empower a young generation of informed, open-minded, responsible, and active citizens that shape society and drive impact.


Out very own Debate Team went to Riga to the Stockholm School of Economics for a debate tournament. There were students from Norway, Latvia, Estonia and many other countries within Europe to debate different motions in a range of topics. Our team did great and had fun, not to mention they placed well in the novis category! 

Discover more about IEGS

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) is an international Upper Secondary school located in the heart of Södermalm with a strong academic tradition and a commitment to helping students develop to their full potential.
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Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet
Allhelgonagatan 4
11858 Stockholm
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